Vera! Vera!

....What has become of you? Does anybody else here feel the way I do?

Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Stickin it to the Man!

Long ago, for a reason I can't really even remember....wait, no I remember.....back in Auburn, AL, I paid for cable and reported when my picture was not good. The problem was never fixed and yet my bill always remained at the normal price. This really ticked me off so I decided that I would not have cable again. That way I could stick it to the cable company and get back at them for all those people they stick it to. (You know they are hurting big time for not having my business. Big time!) Of course, this has really affected my ability to stay "in touch" with much of the outside world, not to mention great football games. In fact, I used to win fantasy football leagues and now....well, let's just say that my mom gets really upset at me for not knowing crucial information about college and pro football games. She goes crazy over all that stuff. But the point is that I don't have cable and I think that I have about 10 channels that mostly work and yet I still have this desire to watch tv all day even when there is nothing on. I have to physically throw myself off the couch and take the batteries out of the remote control in order to get something done. Ok, perhaps I don't have to go to those extremes, but I sure wish I turned the tv off more frequently. And I might as well admit while I can that I do have a bit of an addiction to..........well, its Days of Our Lives. I'm telling you, I don't know how they suck me in, but I am addicted. My husband is threatening to send me to a group. OK, maybe he isn't, but he is pretty upset that he has found himself curious about the storylines as well. Ha ha ha. Please tell me a few things: 1) Do you find yourself "sticking it to the man" on any issues? 2) Do you know how to break free from the harmful addictions of soap operas?
Anyhow, any help you can offer here would greatly be appreciated.


Blogger Sher said...

I have cable. I have every possible cable channel you can get, plus HDTV service, plus a flat panel TV, plus HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, and Starz On Demand (where you can what movies anytime you want). It is a very dangerous world out there! Cable is not good for brain stimulation!

But trust me on this one...Back away from the Days! I was addicted way back when Marlena was possessed by the Devil. Then in college I sat on my lunch break at work with these psycho-obsessed old ladies! The way they set-up their show, by leaving 20 cliffhangers in each episode, sucks you in to keep watching. Plus, I'm convinced they use subliminal messages to warp the minds of watchers. Days is dangerous! I have to say that if I am home, I relapse into my addiction. Good think my job doesn't allow that right now!

9:46 AM  
Blogger Robino said...

You are so right, but I don't think I can. Perhaps I could enlist you as an accountability partner. Everytime, I want to turn it on or get an update online (yes, it has gotten that bad), I could call you or even just check your blog. Hey, that actually might work.

8:44 PM  
Blogger dashadra said...

OHH girl! I am sooo sooo addicted to soaps! I know it is terrible, but I cant pull myself away! If I am home, I watch all of the ones on CBS and occasionally click over to All My Children and/or Days. I blame this on my grandmother! She and I used to watch them together when I was a little girl and I havent been the same since. I am not able to take a lunch break this whole semester, so I will not be able to watch them, but you better believe that I read the updates online! Sorry, I am of no help!

10:45 AM  
Blogger Sher said...

Okay, I must clarify my position. As far as daytime soap operas, I am off of them. But when it comes to the night time ones...Night time is the right time! I am completely addicted to Lost, Grey's Anatomy, and McCleod's Daughers (an Australian soap that comes on WE on Saturday nights).

2:07 PM  

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