Vera! Vera!

....What has become of you? Does anybody else here feel the way I do?

Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Seeking Dream Interpreter

Joseph, Daniel, where are you?
Ok, so here is the deal. I keep having this recurring dream (and no, I am not talking about the one where you are naked and in public and hoping that no one notices you - though I have had that one or I am in my PJs and wondering if people think that I am in real clothes - no, wait, that was real life) .....back to the dream. Sorry, I digress. I am always in this apartment, but it is a house, because I realize that I own it part of the way in and then that it has a secret passage way into a bigger section of the house, even bigger than what I was initially in and it always has these beautiful bathrooms with garden bath tubs (I love those.) That is really it, no killing or bugs (though I also dream alot about snakes). But it seems strange that I am always dreaming about having a bigger place that is accessed by this secret door. Now, my favorite book as a kid was "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." Could that have anything to do with it? Dreams always trick me. What's up with those? Why do we have them and then go months where we don't? Does anyone know? Oh, and if you think that my dream is telling me that I am way too into materialism, then go on, tell me, I can hack it. If it is a strong dose of repentance that I need, then I must take it like a man.... or a woman. Well, you know what I mean.


Blogger dashadra said...

Bath tubs are always relaxing and as for the passage way getting bigger...maybe there is a door that is going to be opened for you to step in and relax and since the door is getting bigger, maybe the time is getting closer for this to happen....just a guess :)

6:39 AM  
Blogger Robino said...

Oh, I so like your interpretation, Bonbon. Can I hire you? I think I have some more, but I have to remember them.

8:22 PM  

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